Checking On Our Privilege

What is privilege in a humanitarian crisis?

Privilege is when you have the option to hop back into your air-conditioned car to return to your hotel rooms no matter how many hours of hard labour you've put in for the day in the camps. Privilege is when you actually have a flight boarding ticket tucked somewhere in your bag while you sit down with them, sipping their coffee of hospitality and learn of their dreams to get to Germany. Privilege is when you have pictures of your loved ones in a beautiful home safely kept in your phone while you listen to them mourning over their losses. Privilege is when students sit in a comfortable room to discuss about the issues of refugee crisis, only for the empathy to stop at the final fullstop in your long term assignment. Privilege is when you turn their plight into a recipe for good grades. Privilege is when you organise events championing their rights, only for it to appear nicely on your CV.

There are so many privileges that we indulge ourselves in. And the list goes on forever, in which I am openly guilty of some too. But privilege is also inherently intertwined with the social circumstances that we are all born in. Some are lucky, some are not. So the question is not so much how do we escape from all the privileges but rather, what do we do with it that makes the difference?

This is something that everyone should ask themselves.

The aftermath of the massive relocation programme in Idomeni Camp, Greece | 2016

I'm Taking A Step Back

I'm Taking A Step Back

Trying Not To Forget