Protesters shouting out chants at the start of a demonstration in Paris.
The CRS begins to move into position while other civilians retreat back into the safety of their homes from the impending clashes.
Protesters and the CRS facing-off when the police starts to make a move on the crowd.
In defiance towards the police's orders to disperse, two protesters raised their fist up signalling their refusal to move.
Two innocent bystanders getting caught in the middle of the action as more CRS troops move in to reinforce the police presence.
As the tension reaching the tipping point, clashes soon broke out with the CRS trying to push the protesters into a corner before apprehending them.
A police officer is badly wounded when a projectile hits his head causing him to be unconscious as his colleagues try to carry him to safety away from the front lines.
A protester single-handedly try to slow down the oncoming CRS troops with a sign that says, "Power to The Sovereign People."
Another female protester tries to step in between the CRS troops and the crowd to call for a stop from all the violence.
As the violent clashes slowly reach to a conclusion, the scene is also beginning to clear up of all the tear gas that is fired.
Light finally pierce through the thick gas in an underground train station to mark the end of yet another day of violent clashes.
The final note.