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Kurdistan squats over a mound of soil that the she and her friends have piled up, they giggle, marveling at the ‘mountain’ they’ve built with their hands. They excitedly use their fingers as mountain climbers on an expedition, laughing gleefully as they get dirt in their nails. There is nothing more resilient than a child’s spirit; with just some dirt and imagination, the children convulse in laughter.
It is only 7.30am in the morning and the flow of human bodies are already starting to stream into the open court, creating a buzz in the middle of the town. It is a simply layout, with a massive canvas and rolls of plastic carpet of different colours occupying the space.
The adrenaline becomes their only escape from their upturned lives. With everything that they have been and still going through, this is far from living. This is surviving. And they are champions at being survivors.